around the world

Monday, September 22, 2008

A few last photos from Bocas

A group of us went to a cave called La Gruta, that runs through a mountain. We loaded up on supplies and made our way through the entire thing. It was a really fun experience and a little scary as it is pitch black in the cave and is home to thousands of bats, bugs and snakes.
This is the exit on the other side of the cave, we were all pretty glad to have made it through.
Some of us got a little more scared than others!

Making our way into the cave.
I was pretty excited to be there!
The entrance to the cave, not everyone went all the way through.

There is a statue of the Vrigin Mary outside the cave entrance. We were hoping she would keep any rabies bearing bats away from us!
These are just a few of the thousands of bats that were inside the cave.

Some of the great and very cheap food at the fair that has been going the entire time I have been in Bocas.
A shot of the fair.
I couldnt stay off of a bike for long, a few of us rented some beach cruisers and road around the island.
I thought this house had a pretty decent view.
Me showing off as usual, but the ride was just so beautiful. It made me miss Artax.

1 comment:

Lisa from Louisiana said...

I would have been one of the ones NOT making it through the cave. YIKES!!!! I love all the photographs. What a beautiful place Panama is.

Hey! Have you got plans for checking out THE CANAL of all canals? What a marvel of construction! and how it ushered in our modern world is such a fascinating story. Can't wait to hear about your up close and personal inspection!